Tokyo Jungle PS3 ROM Free Download (v1.0)

Tokyo Jungle ROM Free Download in direct link. Tokyo Jungle was released on ?.

About The Game

Tokyo Jungle is an action-adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic version of Tokyo, Japan. Players take on the role of a variety of animals, from cats and dogs to lions and tigers, as they explore the city and attempt to survive in the harsh environment. The game features a unique blend of survival and exploration elements, as players must scavenge for food and water while also avoiding predators. Players can also engage in combat with other animals, as well as humans, in order to protect their territory or gain resources. The game’s story follows the events that led to the destruction of Tokyo, which was caused by an unknown event. As a result of this event, all humans have disappeared from the city and it is now inhabited by various species of animals. Players must explore the city in order to find food and water sources, while also avoiding predators such as lions and tigers. In addition to exploring the city, players can also engage in combat with other animals or humans if they wish to protect their territory or gain resources. Players can customize their animal characters by equipping them with different items such as weapons or armor. As they progress through the game, players will unlock new areas of Tokyo which contain new challenges and rewards. The game also features a variety of side-quests which allow players to gain additional rewards such as items or experience points. Overall, Tokyo Jungle is an exciting action-adventure game that offers an immersive experience for players who enjoy exploring post-apocalyptic environments while scavenging for resources and engaging in combat.

Players ?
Year ?
Version 1.0

How to Download Tokyo Jungle ROM for PS3

  1. Click the Download button below and you will be redirected to UploadHaven. Wait 15 seconds and click on the “Free Download” button. Now let the download begin and wait for it to finish. You can use Pro Download for faster speeds but it is not required. We recommend using Free Download Manager to speed up your downloads instead of downloading through your browser.
  2. Once Tokyo Jungle ROM is done downloading, right click the .zip file and click on “Extract to Tokyo Jungle” (To do this you must have 7-Zip, which you can get here). Double click inside the Tokyo Jungle ROM folder and run load your rom iso into your emulator of choice. To find the right emulators, visit this page.
  3. Have fun and play! Support us by sharing this site with your friends and family.

Tokyo Jungle ROM for PS3 Free Download

Click the download button below to start Tokyo Jungle ROM Free Download with direct link. It is the full version of the game.

Tokyo Jungle (v1.0)
Size: 1.24 GB

